There's 17 days left in the challenge and I'm going to have to double up to make my RT/CT and 40-4-40 goals. Work has been busy lots of travel and a week without a rental car and a different hotel every night didn't help.
I've used the gym membership as much as I can and I think it's paying off. After being away from from a barbell for a solid year and a half I've managed to get both my deadlift and ATG squats back up to 225lb for reps. Hey, it's a start.....
I've ran over 13 miles in the last 7 days, with a couple of those runs being over 4 miles......still not a runner but I'm contemplating a few of the local mini-tri's or a 10k...we'll see.
The diet has been so-so, nothing that bad, still eating clean but more than I should and for whatever reason there has been lots of specials on beer at the grocery store.
I'm still in the hunt and trying to get re-focused.....