Another not so original idea and post from me. It's Tuesday morning I'm in an airport and I'm tired.
1. Remove Yourself From Negative Environments
This is a biggie for me.....I am a "Glass Half Full" kind of a guy.
2. Shut Down Social Spaces
Between Twitter, Facebook, FourSquare, Pinterest, etc.......
3. Forget About Checking Email Five Times an Hour
This one is tough, I call it the "Death of distance", between smartphones, iPads and such we are always "Connected" or "On".
4. Get Back To Pen and Paper
Years ago I took notes on a 3x5 card held together with a black binder clip and just the other day I mentioned to my wife that I need to go back to that method of tracking tasks and such.
5. Go to Bed Early
Rest is good
6. Get up Early and Utilize this Focus Time
I don't ever sleep half of the day away.
7. Say No More Often
For me this is a very hard one, I'm in the business of solving problems and more often that not that requires say "Yes" a whole bunch
8. Improve your Diet
Always a work in progress
9. De-clutter your Environment
I just cleaned closets and got rid of a storage unit last month.